Welsh Motorsport & Supercar Festival

Noise Management Plan


The purpose of this management plan is to formalise the procedures in place at the circuit, and document the guidelines and principles that apply. The plan not only provides a guide to the operation of the venue, but also guidance relating to the deployment of sound level monitoring which will assist the circuit management in terms of actively managing noise issues.

Lease Agreement The circuit was formed out of the old airbase runways and auxiliary roads on land at the former RAF Pembrey Sands airbase, between the villages of Pembrey and Kidwelly just off the A484. Motorsport activities on the site date back to the 1960s.

A 50-year lease was signed in 1990 between BARC (Pembrey) Ltd and Carmarthenshire County Council (formerly Llanelli Borough Council) covering all aspects of motorsport.

The venue hosts a variety of motorsport events including motorcycle, car, kart and truck racing, rallycross, drifting, rallying and Moto-X. It is known as The Welsh Motorsports Centre.

Operational Restrictions
Under the terms of the current lease, there are few restrictions governing the use of the venue. Following discussions with Carmarthenshire County Council, and in order to provide clarity for both the local authority and the local community, the circuit has voluntarily agreed to abide by the following conditions:

  • One weekend every calendar month will be designated as a ‘quiet’ weekend, either free from any circuit activity altogether, or a Category 1 activity.

  • No track activity will take place at the circuit on the Monday immediately following a Category 2 or 3 event.

  • Track activity will be restricted to no more than 2 Bank Holiday Mondays per year. No track activity shall take place at the circuit on the Tuesday immediately following such events.

  • Any Moto X activity will normally run-in conjunction with other events, except between November and March.

  • There will be no more than 4 days of testing in any week.

    • of which a maximum of 2 days a week could be of Category 3 Cars or Motorcycles (up to a maximum of 70 Category 3 days per year).
    • except on a maximum of two occasions per year, when the circuit may be permitted to run 5 days of testing in one week, provided they are not category 3.
  • A race calendar containing future circuit activity and the likely noise limits/category will be maintained and published by means of the circuit web site.

  • Activities that are not related to racing or testing (i.e., Film production or photographic projects that may involve unspecified vehicles on circuit.) will not be subject to the restrictions contained in this management plan.

  • BARC (Pembrey) Ltd will meet with the relevant departments of Carmarthenshire County Council in Quarter 1 of each year to ensure compliance with the above and to review the enclosed management plan.

Table 1: Noise Categories

Cat Colour

These Colour Codes will be used to indicate Noise levels for our activities on our website.

Sound Equipment

The Circuit owns three sound level meters:

2 x Casella CEL 240 – hand-held equipment used mainly for carrying out static noise tests on vehicles, one of which is kept as a back-up

1 x 01dB Type CAL31 – external microphone for recording “drive by” noise levels, capable of continuously recording numerous information from date and time duration.

The sound level meters and their respective calibrators are returned to the suppliers for accuracy checks and calibration on an annual basis.

Drive-by Monitoring Position

There is one permanent fixed monitoring position on the circuit which is positioned on the front of Race Control facing the main start/finish straight – one of the fastest parts of the circuit at a distance of 10m from the race track and at a height of 5m.

The 01dB Type CAL31 system is installed at this location to monitor drive-by levels and reports in real-time.

Please note: - spikes may occur in the Drive-By readings when:

  • Vehicles are proceeding down the Pit Lane.
  • The Pit Lane warning siren is sounding.

Noise Data recorded during each event will be kept for a minimum period of 28 days and will be available for the local authority to view on request.

Monitoring in the Community

BARC (Pembrey) Ltd will monitor noise levels in the community from time to time at the following locations: Brooklands Farm, Pembrey Square, Kidwelly Coop, and Pembrey Mountain Lookout.

This will be done by means of the Casella CEL240 hand-held equipment (or equivalent) while activity is taking place on the circuit. It is therefore accepted by all parties that this will not be a scientifically robust process, but records will be maintained for inspection as required.

Table 2: Race Events

Noise category Max Static Test level (Dba) Max vehicle Nos On circuit
1 - Road Silenced Race Cars & Motorcycles Up to 100 (Drive-by 94) Up to 42
2 - Race Silenced Cars Up to 108 Up to 32
2 - Race Silenced Motorcycles Up to 105 Up to 42
3 - Race Unsilenced Cars Over 108 Up to 32

These events are held under official ‘organising permits’ from the relevant national governing bodies.

The circuit is hired out to licensed ‘organising clubs. The clubs are responsible for providing approved licensed officials (scrutineers) to carry out static noise testing on the race vehicles. Static noise testing is done in accordance with MSUK / ACU Regulations before the cars / motorcycles are allowed onto the circuit.

Results of the static noise tests are recorded on the MSUK/ACU log sheets by the approved official, and a copy of the log sheets is provided to the venue on the day of the event. The official’s name, licence number and noise testing equipment must also be recorded on the log sheet.

The scrutineer shall ensure that all vehicles remain compliant with the appropriate noise regulations at all times. Should it become evident that a particular vehicle may be exceeding the noise limit, the scrutineer shall inform the organising club of the infringement and shall promptly prevent the vehicle from any further participation in the event until such time that all parties are satisfied that any remedial action taken by the competitor is sufficient to ensure that no further breach may occur. Having re-joined the session, should the vehicle fail a further noise test, then he will not be permitted to have any further participation in the event.

If in the opinion of the Circuit Manager or his nominated deputy, the vehicle does not comply with the static noise level result he shall inform the Hirer who must take immediate action to ensure that the offending vehicle does not take any further part in the event until such time as the remedial action has been taken to ensure the vehicle is compliant.

Any vehicle breaching the MSUK / ACU regulations will not be allowed to participate.

The “drive-by” noise levels are monitored through the event, for internal management purposes only.

All race events will be timetabled such that they comply with the permitted hours of use specified below: On Friday between the hours of 09:00 & 17:00 with a lunch break of 1 hour between 12:00 and 14:00. On Saturday & Sunday between the hours of 09:00 & 18:00 with a lunch break of 1 hour between 12:00 & 14:00.

The management and operation of the race day timetable is, however, exclusively in the hands of the organising club rather than the circuit management. This means that a degree of flexibility may be required in terms of the precise timings, for example:

  • In the case of a long delay in race proceedings due to a race / medical incident, the delay period may be deemed as the hour lunch break to ensure the full conclusion of the race programme.
  • If the programme features an endurance race (up to 6 hours in duration) a lunch break may not be possible in the middle of the day.
  • If it’s a Welsh Championship Tarmac Rally Stage Event where there are 45min breaks between every other stage.

PA Systems

The Paddock PA System may not be used outside of the hours below unless for public safety.

  • On Friday - Not before 08:45 and not after 17:15
  • On Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holiday Mondays - Not before 08:45 and not after 18:15
  • Volume will be set to the lowest practical setting and monitored by circuit management
  • The use is restricted to information and event management messages
  • Music will not be played through the paddock PA system at any time

The Race Commentary PA System may not be used outside of the hours below unless for public safety.

  • On Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holiday Mondays - Not before 09:00 and not after 18:15
  • Volume will be set to the lowest practical setting and monitored by circuit management
  • The use is restricted to the commentary of the race and ancillary driver interviews
  • Music will not be played through the Race Commentary PA system at any time

Table 3: Trackdays

Category Max Estimated drive-by level (dBa) Max vehicle Nos on circuit
1 - Road Silenced Trackdays & Driving Schools Cars 94 24
2 - Silenced Trackdays Bikes 96 24
Every vehicle is subject to a physical inspection before accessing the circuit. If the vehicle has a non-standard exhaust, or does not have an exhaust baffle, it will be subject to a ‘static’ noise test. If any vehicle fails the static noise the vehicle is not allowed on circuit. Results are recorded in the Race Control Log Sheets. If the vehicle fails the static noise test, the driver may replace the exhaust system or baffle the exhaust, before being re-tested. If the vehicle passes the re-taken static test, the vehicle would then be allowed on circuit. If any vehicle fails the ‘drive-by’ test, it will be removed from the circuit and take no further part in the activities. Any vehicle breaching the circuit regulations will not be allowed to participate.

Static noise testing is undertaken in accordance with the relevant regulations of the appropriate governing bodies – MSUK (cars) or ACU (bikes)

All events will be timetabled such that they comply with the permitted hours of use specified below: 09:00 to 17:00 with a lunch break of 1 hour to be taken between 12:00 and 14:00. In the event of a long delay in proceedings due to a medical incident, the delay period may be deemed as the lunch break to ensure the full conclusion of the event.

Table 4: Professional Team Mid-Week Testing

Noise category Max Drive by level Max vehicle Nos On circuit
1 - Road Silenced Cars & Motorcycles 94 6
1 - Race Silenced F4 Turbo Cars 94 6
2 - Race Silenced Race S/S Cars 100 8
2 - Race Silenced Race Motorcycles 100 8
3 - Race Silenced Race Cars & Motorcycles 110 4
3 - Unsilenced Race Cars n/a 4
Every vehicle is subject to a physical inspection by the circuit management team before it accesses the circuit for the first time. If the vehicle is not known to the circuit staff, static testing may take place before the vehicle goes out onto the circuit, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the appropriate governing bodies – MSUK (cars) or ACU (bikes).

Results are recorded in the Race Control Log Sheets. Any vehicle breaching the circuit regulations for static or drive-by testing will not be allowed to participate.

During operation, the drive-by readings will be monitored to ensure that no vehicle is exceeding the agreed limits.

All testing will be between the hours of 09:00 & 17:00 with a lunch break of 1 hour between 12:00 and 14:00. Race engines will not be run before 08.45 and not after 17.15 (to allow for a period for warm up and cool down).

Administrative Procedures

Advance notification of circuit activity will be sent to the local authority on a fortnightly basis and updates as and when required. This includes the anticipated noise category for each day, the likely number of cars/motorcycles etc.

Normally the circuit is used with vehicles travelling in a clockwise direction. However, ‘wrong direction’ running is allowed for Tarmac rally events (normally 2 events per year).

The drive-by monitor will be checked before each activity day to ensure that monitoring is active. In the event of a failure of the drive-by equipment, the supplier will be immediately contacted to resolve the issue.

Race Control Officer records circuit activity as well as any other relevant events such as low flying aircraft, military activity on the bombing range etc.

Environmental Considerations

The geographical location of Pembrey Circuit requires that certain nearby activities are considered when dealing with noise issues.

  1. The main railway runs within 1500m to the east of the circuit
  2. The main A484 runs within 1550m to the east of the circuit
  3. There is often low flying military activity at Pembrey
  4. The usual flight path from Pembrey Airport passes within 100m of the circuit.
  5. The military testing establishment is located at Pendine Sands

It is accepted by all parties that the most significant variable that affects the impact of noise on local residents and the wider community, is the strength and direction of the wind. Pembrey Circuit has been developed from a WWII airfield and as such, frequent high winds are often a problem. These can cause spikes in readings on the sound level meter which can be misleading when considered alongside the predicted noise levels that may have been submitted to the local authority. Following tests carried out by Acoustic1 in conjunction with circuit staff, it is concluded that wind speeds in excess of 5m/sec are likely to adversely impact the accuracy of readings taken at trackside levels.

All logged information stored by the circuit will be available for inspection by EHO on request.

Noise Reduction

Sound Bunding
In 1992 BARC (Pembrey) Ltd. made a successful planning application to create sound bunds around the circuit as one means of helping to reduce the noise emissions for the local community. This is an ongoing project and reviewed yearly.

General Reductions
Over the past five years, BARC (Pembrey) Ltd. has reduced the noise levels on its activities such as car Trackdays, motorcycle Trackdays, drifting and its performance driving school by 3dBa.

The introduction of the drive-by noise monitoring and recording system in 2021, gives greater visibility of noise emissions at all activities and enables the active management of noise issues on operating days.

Company Policy
BARC (Pembrey) Ltd is a proactive motorsport company that is committed to working towards greater sustainability in its business operations. A recent sustainability audit by the national governing body drew particular attention to the circuit’s progress in reducing landfill waste, and also the grey water collection and water-saving measures that have minimised water consumption throughout the venue.

1st February 2023
